Title: Tim Westwood Club Bangers - TV Commercial (Directors Cut)
Client: Universal Music
TV Commercial
Director: Tim Fox
Production Company: Monumentlondon.com
TV Commercial
Director: Tim Fox
Production Company: Monumentlondon.com
Tim Westwood is the only source for Hip Hop Club Bangers you can trust. We had the pleasure of working with the man himself,who not only willingly stood in the London rain while we filmed but even made the crew cups of tea.
We put together a stable of dancers from different backgrounds and styles who brought their moves on the day and raised the game. Big Up every one of them **Cue bull horn and sound of smashing glass***
We put together a stable of dancers from different backgrounds and styles who brought their moves on the day and raised the game. Big Up every one of them **Cue bull horn and sound of smashing glass***